One of my favorite things in the last few years has been participating in some blogger book challenges (Megan hosts my favorite one twice a year). Thanks to these challenges, I've been pulled out of my favorite genres, read books that I otherwise would not have read, and discovered wonderful new authors. Some of my favorite books have been discovered through these book challenges-- The Pilot's Wife, the Harry Potter series, and Hyperbole and a Half, just to name a few.
So I decided to make my own book challenge for the whole year! I took many categories from a popsugar list, some old challenges from Megan's blog, some links on pinterest, and some of my own ideas.
There are 44 categories on this list, and my goal is to read 52 books this year. So that leaves me with 8 "freebies" to read that are just for me. And I do have a few self-imposed rules:
- All books must be over 200 pages long
- Only three re-reads allowed unless 1) it's been more than 10 years
since I first read the book OR 2) the category calls for it.
- No counting one book for multiple categories. Each category gets its own book.
- I may switch books previously assigned to a category as the year goes,
as long as they all get covered by only one book.
-All books must be started and finished within 2015, unless the category states otherwise.
So without further adieu, here's my list!

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